Regardless of whether we realize it or not, we judge people based on the way they look and when it comes to first impressions, it is no surprise that the first thing anybody notices about an individual is their face. Naturally, a majority of people constantly obsess about how they look especially their faces. However, it is important to understand that with age, weight, and several other factors the way how your face looks constantly changes. One of the very hyped-up facial features has been the jawline. Whether it's men or women nobody likes a double chin. However, over the past few years, men and women both have been a little extra obsessed with the idea of a shaper jawline.
While there are people who naturally have a very defined and sharp jawline. However, if you are not blessed with a genetically pristine jawline, you don't need to lose hope because there are ways like simple jawline exercises to beat that extra fat. Keep reading to find out all about them.
What is Jawline?
The bone structure extending from the chin to the ear is known as the jawline. When seen from a side a good jawline is basically a defined and angled contour of a person’s lower jaw. Several people are innately born with a sharp jawline, however, with proper diet and exercise a jawline can be acquired. With different types of shapes, people have different types of jawlines as well. It essentially depends on the angle between the mandible (lower jaw) and maxilla (upper jaw) bones. Typically there are six types of jawlines namely,
- Heart
- Diamond
- Square
- Rounded Square/Horseshoe
- Angular
- D-Shaped
How to get a sharp jawline?
The genetic structure of your bone may not change a lot, it is normal to witness a significant change in the shape of your jawline over the years. These changes can occur due to signs of aging or changes in weight. Both of these can be avoided as well as treated with the right kind of exercise and lifestyle changes. In fact, with a little consistency and the right guidance, it is completely possible to achieve an attractive-looking jawline.
Do jawline exercises work?
When your bone structure creates a sharp angle right beneath the ear and is prominently visible, it is deemed as a desirable jawline. This sharp angle can be achieved by the right kind of jawline exercises, lifestyle changes, right posture, healthy diet, and consistency. With proper direction and consistency, jaw exercises have the power to visibly reduce signs of aging, and any signs of facial sagging. However, other factors like beard and haircut also
play a major role in attaining the desired jawline goals.
Jawline Exercises
Jawline exercises have always been a crucial step in defining the shape of the jawline.
Naturally, exercising the muscles of the face help in promoting the appearance of a sharper jawline and more prominent cheekbones. This works to give a very toned and defined look. Unlike other exercises, the jawline exercise tends to deliver faster results simply because the jawline muscles are comparatively smaller which helps them respond quicker.
In fact, jawline exercises don't just help in achieving a younger-looking face, they have an added benefit. They also work to prevent or treat any kind of pain in the neck, head, jaw, or in some cases shoulders as well. Naturally regular exercises not only tone the muscles but keep them healthy and young, this helps in avoiding several chronic muscle-related pain disorders as well. When it comes to jawline exercises different kinds of exercises may work for different people. However, here is a list of a few common exercises that might help in delivering a sharper jawline by reducing signs of aging like sagginess, fine lines, or even wrinkles. Before incorporating any exercise, it is important to remember that, everybody has a different tolerance and flexibility, so if any exercise causes discomfort or pain of any kind, you should stop immediately. It is wise to seek an expert opinion because pushing yourself without any expert’s help can do more harm than good.
1. Neck curl up
You can think of this as abdominal curl-ups but for your neck. All you need to do is lie on your back and press your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Yes, it’s that easy. This little step works to activate your front neck muscles. The second step is bringing your chin closer to your chest by gently lifting your head up from the ground, just about 2 inches. It doesn't require lifting your stomach. For maximum effectiveness, you must incorporate 3 sets of this exercise and around 10 repetitions. You can start with lesser repetitions and work your way up. Make sure you do not push yourself too hard or strain your muscles in the process.
2. Collar bone backup
You can do a collar bone backup while sitting, lying down, or even while standing. All you need to do is bring your head just a little back preferably until you feel a stretch on the side of your neck and hold. This allows your muscles to contract and relax.
For maximum effectiveness, you must incorporate 3 sets of this exercise and around 10 repetitions. You can start with lesser repetitions or hold for a lesser duration and work your way up. Make sure you do not push yourself too hard or strain your muscles in the process.
3. Tongue twister
This jaw exercise is meant to target the muscles under your chin. All you need to do is place your tongue on the top of your mouth to cover the entire roof with a little pressure. Make sure it is directly behind the teeth. Once you have placed your tongue in the right position, you need to hum while making a vibrating sound. This is meant to strengthen and activate your muscles. For maximum effectiveness, you must incorporate 3 sets of this exercise and around 15 repetitions. You can start with lesser repetitions or hold for a lesser duration and work your way up. Make sure you do not push yourself too hard or strain your muscles in the process.
4. Vowel sounds
This exercise is just like it sounds, all you need to do is open your mouth wide to make accentuated vowel sounds with your mouth. Yes, reciting the vowels “O” and “E”, that’s the exercise. This exercise is meant to target the muscles around your mouth and lips. The only trick is to make exaggerated sounds and not touch your teeth. For maximum effectiveness, you must incorporate 3 sets of this exercise and around 15 repetitions. You can start with lesser repetitions or hold for a lesser duration and work your way up. Make sure you do not push yourself too hard or strain your muscles in the process.
5. Chinup
Another simple jaw exercise is chin up. All you need to do is, push your lower jaw out while lifting your lower lip and hold. Make sure you do it with your mouth closed. This exercise should stretch the muscles under the chin and the jawline. It helps lift the face and chin muscles. For maximum effectiveness, you must incorporate 3 sets of this exercise and around 15 repetitions. You can start with lesser repetitions or hold for a lesser duration and work your way up. Make sure you do not push yourself too hard or strain your muscles in the process.
6. Fish-face
Yes, it's the fish face we made as a kid. Turns out, it's an amazing jaw exercise. All you need to do is suck your cheeks in and make a fish face. For maximum effectiveness, you must incorporate 3 sets of this exercise and around 15 repetitions. You can start with lesser repetitions or hold for a lesser duration and work your way up. Make sure you do not push yourself too hard or strain your muscles in the process.
7. Heads up and tongue out
Just as simple as it sounds. All you need to do is look straight, lift your chin up, and look at the ceiling while sticking your tongue out. Hold the position for a few seconds. For maximum effectiveness, you must incorporate 3 sets of this exercise and around 15 repetitions. You can start with lesser repetitions or hold for a lesser duration and work your way up. Make sure you do not push yourself too hard or strain your muscles in the process.
Other tips to get a sharper jawline:
While jawline exercise is a tried and tested way of attaining a good jawline, it might not suit a few people. In that case or to simply improve the effectiveness of jawline exercise you must incorporate certain healthy habits in order to attain a chiseled jawline. These healthy habits might include eating a balanced diet, regulating weight, regular exercise and so much more. Here are a few tricks and tips to achieve a better-looking jawline:
- Get the right haircut
While exercise is a good fix, sometimes just the right haircut can give you a complete makeover. That’s right you don’t always need to work those muscles, all you need to do is get a haircut that suits your face shape and shows off your facial features. This can work for men and women alike.
- Contour or conceal
Anyone who uses makeup should contour the jawline or use a darker shade of concealer to effectively define the jawline. Women have taken the help of contouring to reshape their face all the time, however, a lot of men are also getting comfortable with makeup for such purposes or hiding their acne.
3. Massage
A massage can effectively work to deliver a better shape or improve complexion by simply increasing blood circulation. You can go for a gua sha massage or a facial roller paired with a facial oil that suits your skin type. Make sure you learn the right way to massage your face for maximum effectiveness.
4. Hydration
Drinking enough water or hydrating the body works to improve the skin and hence accentuates the facial features. In fact, water also works to flush out any toxins from the body. If you drink sufficient water it can protect you from dryness, and several signs of aging and deliver a plumper and visibly toned-looking face.
5. Manage your weight
With the increase in weight, the fat around your chin and neck also increases. This is one of the major causes of a double chin or an absence of jawline. Management of weight or trimming body fat can instantly work to deliver a visibly slimmer-looking face. All you need to do is incorporate a healthy diet along with a consistent workout. Interestingly, these habits can improve your overall health and looks.
6. Chewing gum
Another trick to achieve a defined jaw is chewing hard gum. Chewing works as an exercise for your jaw muscles and is a great way to trim any excess fat around your jaw. This simple act of chewing can deliver a sharper jawline and let's face it is so much fun.
7. Lower your salt intake
Salt has the nature to retain water which works to deliver a fuller-looking face. With even a little reduction of salt from your diet, you can make your face look a lot slimmer and toned.
8. Smile
Smile your way to achieving a toned jawline. Yes, it can be that easy. Smiling works as a stretching exercise for the muscles of your jaw and cheekbones.
9. Ice massage
Ice massages across your face can effectively work to tighten your pores as well your pores. It is easy and it is incredibly effective.
10. Reduce carbs
A balanced low-carb diet can definitely work to reduce any puffiness around your face. This can not only help you reduce weight but reduce any bloating or acne.
11. Improve your sleep schedule
Lack of sleep can lead to puffiness which might lead to the appearance of a double chin. An adequate and fixed sleep schedule can make you look visibly younger and fresher.
12. Boost your collagen production
Collagen works to keep your skin plump and elastic. With age, you might begin to lose collagen. It is advised to add collagen-boosting creams and cleansers for plumper and toned looking but you can get more via certain moisturizers and cleansers.
13. Grow a beard
Men can definitely go for a well-trimmed beard to make their face look more shaped and rugged. In case of patchy, you can go for beard supplements like beard oils.
Jawline has always been an essential part of the facial structure. In fact, a sharper jawline can instantly contribute to attractiveness as well as the symmetry of the face. With the right kind of exercise, lifestyle changes, and proper upkeep of the hair and beard, achieving a good-looking jawline is totally achievable. However, before you make any sudden changes in the diet it is advised to seek help from your healthcare provider to avoid any deficiency. Also, consult a certified physical trainer before you incorporate any exhaustive workout.
How to get a sharper jawline?
The right kind of exercise and lifestyle changes along with a little consistency and the right guidance can help in achieving an attractive-looking jawline.
Does chewing gum help in getting a jawline?
Chewing works as an exercise for your jaw muscles and is a great way to trim any excess fat around your jaw. This simple act of chewing can deliver a sharper jawline and let's face it is so much fun.
Do jawline exercises work?
With proper direction and consistency, jaw exercises have the power to visibly reduce signs of aging, and any signs of facial sagging
Does facial massage help?
A massage can effectively work to deliver a better shape or improve complexion by simply increasing blood circulation. You can go for a gua sha massage or a facial roller paired with a facial oil that suits your skin type.
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